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CONTROP Presents New GenerationT-STAMP EO/IR Miniature Payload

May 2nd, 2016 - CONTROP Precision Technologies Ltd and CONTROP USA Inc – world leaders in stabilized EO/IR camera payloads – will be demonstrating the new generation T-STAMP Triple Sensor Day/Night Gyro-stabilized Miniature Payload at AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2016. The new T-STAMP provides improved DRI for an excellent high resolution image that allows for longer range operations. The system is ideal for small UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems), VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) Systems, Hovering Aerial Systems, Aerostats and other lightweight aircraft (A/C).  The T-STAMP is already operational and proven in dozens of locations around the world.


The new generation T-STAMP maintains the same low weight of 3.3 kg with an improved infrared (IR) camera which has a cooled detector and optical zoom lens of 180mm, therefore providing two thirds better focal length in the same lightweight three gimbal package.  The T-STAMP gyro-stabilized EO/IR payload includes a Cooled IR Camera with a Continuous Zoom Lens up to three degrees in the NFOV, a Day Camera and an optional Laser Pointer all in a compact camera payload which can be mounted in nose-mount, belly-mount or top-mount configurations. The new generation T-STAMP has recently been supplied to several customers in Israel, the United States and internationally.  


The STAMP is a family of gyro-STAbilized Miniature Payloads which were especially designed for day and night tactical over-the-hill reconnaissance missions. Lightweight yet ruggedized, the STAMPs provide precise geolocation and can withstand high-shock landings. With low power consumption, the STAMPs incorporate only one LRU and provide the most cost-effective solution of its type for small manned and unmanned systems.
CONTROP T-STAMP on Bluebird SpyLite


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